Researcher: Víctor Cano Ciborro
Special thanks to: Lucía Jalón Oyarzun
*This research project is a case study of the concept ‘#NarrativeCartographies’ that is being developed in my Doctoral Dissertation.
Published at ‘Displacements Journal 1: CrimeScapes’
Lectured at Future Architecture Platform ‘Breaking down the walls’. Invited by BUREAU N -Berlin-. Panel: ‘Tales Only Architecture Can Tell’
Special thanks to: Lucía Jalón Oyarzun
*This research project is a case study of the concept ‘#NarrativeCartographies’ that is being developed in my Doctoral Dissertation.
Published at ‘Displacements Journal 1: CrimeScapes’
Lectured at Future Architecture Platform ‘Breaking down the walls’. Invited by BUREAU N -Berlin-. Panel: ‘Tales Only Architecture Can Tell’
‘The unfolding of events in a literary context inevitably
suggested parallels to the unfolding of events in architecture’
Bernard Tschumi. Architecture
and Disjunction

The novel ‘Crime and Punishment’ - masterpiece of the Russian writer Fiodor Dostoievski - is taken as a model to visualize the potential of cartography as a narrative element due to its frenetic and energetic chain of events when Raskolnikov - the main character - makes the decision to kill the elderly Alyona Ivanova in her own apartment. The interest in this narrative lies in the awesome spatiality and endless quantity of realities and/or dimensions developed through the criminal action 1

Raskolnikov understands the crime via his sensitivity. Very few times the body is going to feel the space in the way it feels before, during and after the crime. The criminal mind is an overlapping of times and spaces. The criminal, to be successful, must have an incredibly nuanced understanding of the space that goes beyond the measures and physical dimensions, and consequently, focus on the amalgam of bodies, energies and relationship that emerge along the criminal actions.
1 This
relation between crime and space was explored by the magazine Displacements Journal: an x´scape journal:
Criminal displacements, no. 1 (2014) from